How to Handle Fighting Roosters: A Guide You Should Know

Handle Fighting Roosters

To Handle fighting roosters and gamefowl isn’t just about picking them up; it’s about training them to be comfortable around humans. Even the simple act of carrying them can be considered an art form for gamefowl enthusiasts. If you’re still unclear on how to do this effectively, let JiliAce guide you with the tips below.

Raising gamefowl is like caring for a beloved pet. Everyone wants to handle Fighting Roosters with ease. Below are some methods you can use to train your rooster to be more approachable.

The Challenges of Handle Fighting Roosters

Gamefowl, whether they are fighting roosters or spurred roosters, possess significant strength. Except for tame ones, nervous or wild birds can be challenging to catch. If someone lacks the proper technique, they might fall, get injured by the rooster’s spurs, or suffer cuts and scratches from its claws. Such accidents are not uncommon, not only in our country but globally.

The Challenges of Handle Fighting Roosters
The Challenges of Handle Fighting Roosters

Every gamefowl owner dreams of having a bird that remains calm when approached, especially by its owner. It’s ideal when a rooster stays put and doesn’t try to run away. However, encountering a rooster that avoids its owner or, worse, bolts at full speed like a regular backyard chicken can be extremely frustrating!

When raising and training fighting roosters, the goal is to have a bird that can be picked up easily anytime, even when roaming freely. Ideally, it should be as simple as reaching into a coop to grab it. If your rooster struggles every time you pick it up, it could lead to broken feathers, drooping wings, injured toes, or sprains, making it unfit for fighting. Not to mention, repeated traumatic handling could leave the bird increasingly fearful and stressed.

Reasons You May Need to Handle Fighting Roosters

There are many reasons why Gamefowl needs to be handled:

  • Daily Care: After morning exercises, they need to be returned to their coop for feeding and watering.
  • Supervised Roaming: Unlike backyard chickens, gamefowl cannot be allowed to roam freely all day due to risks like fights with other roosters, overexertion, or theft. Owners often let them roam under supervision or within specific timeframes.
  • Training and Maintenance: Handling is required for bathing, applying turmeric paste, soaking legs in medicine, or exercise routines.

Gamefowl, like boxers, require discipline and proper care. They can’t live freely without structure. Allowing them to roam freely all day may help them grow healthy and strong, as they forage for insects and crickets, gaining additional nutrients. However, as they mature and their heroic instincts begin to emerge, a strict routine must be established. Supervised roaming and regular handling help tame them, making them comfortable being held and carried without struggling.

Methods for Taming and Handling Gamefowl

  1. Frequent Contact

    Children are often better at taming gamefowl than adults because they have more free time and a natural affinity for animals. Kids spend most of their spare time around their beloved roosters, feeding and holding them. This frequent handling and gentle care help the bird get accustomed to human contact. Over time, the rooster learns to associate its owner with safety and becomes less fearful.

  2. Building Trust Through Regular Interaction

    Building Trust Through Regular Interaction
    Building Trust Through Regular Interaction

    Every activity involving the rooster, such as bathing, nighttime watering, or soaking its legs in medicine, presents an opportunity for bonding. Holding the rooster steady during these moments—even if it initially struggles—helps it get used to human touch. Gradually, it will become calmer and more cooperative.

  3. Feeding Rituals

    Taming gamefowl is similar to domesticating wild animals, including predators. Feeding rituals are a powerful tool to build trust. During the taming phase, feed your rooster at specific times and remove the food afterward. This establishes a routine where the bird associates you with food. You can also keep a stash of crickets or grasshoppers, which are their favorite snacks. Approach the rooster gently and feed it these treats by hand. Over time, it will grow eager and excited whenever it sees you approaching.

Things to Avoid When Taming Gamefowl

Avoid Chasing Them

It’s essential to prevent injuries, especially to their legs, which are critical in fighting. Chasing gamefowl should be avoided at all costs. If a newly acquired bird escapes its coop, don’t panic and organize a frantic chase. This could frighten the bird further, leading it to associate humans with danger. Instead, calmly position people at a distance to guide the rooster back into its coop or enclosure.

Don’t Grab Their Tail Feathers

Some people ahave a habit of grabbing gamefowls by the base of their tails to catch them. This can cause pain and make the bird more fearful of humans. The tail area is a sensitive part of the rooster’s anatomy, and injuries there can lead to fearfulness or even losing a fight.

Don’t Carry Them Upside Down by Their Legs

One of the biggest taboos in handling gamefowl is grabbing their legs and carrying them upside down, as one might with meat chickens. This practice can cause injuries and make the rooster more anxious and skittish.

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Things You Should Do

As mentioned earlier, raising and selecting good gamefowl requires proper care and affection. A tamed and well-acclimated chicken is easier to raise, train, and, as a result, has a higher chance of winning matches. When interacting with your rooster, all gestures and actions should foster a sense of friendliness with the animal.

Things You Should Do when Handle Fighting Roosters
Things You Should Do when Handle Fighting Roosters

How to Catch a Rooster

Even if your rooster is already tamed, it’s important to use certain techniques to ensure a smooth interaction when catching it. Start by making friendly gestures: snapping your fingers a few times or stretching your hand out while making soft “tuk tuk” feeding sounds. These actions distract the rooster, making it focus on you and reducing its fear, making it easier to catch.

How to Hold a Rooster Properly

When holding a rooster, your actions should be gentle yet firm and quick to prevent it from struggling. If the rooster starts to struggle and you can’t control it, its resistance may intensify, and this could make the bird more fearful of humans.

To lift a rooster smoothly:

  1. Place one hand palm-up under its belly to gently lift it.
  2. Use your other hand, palm down, to press lightly on its back, holding it in place.
  3. As you lift the bird off the ground, keep its body close to your own to secure it. This minimizes its ability to struggle.

Always approach and hold the rooster from the front, not from the rear. This way, its head will naturally tuck under your arm, reducing its ability to escape.

Once the rooster is familiar with this handling technique, future interactions will become much easier and less stressful for both you and the bird.

=> Read more: Hatch Bantam Roosters: The Modern High-Speed Fighting Breed

Transporting a Rooster

When traveling long distances for sparring matches, which could range from several kilometers to trips between provinces, holding the rooster in your hands the entire way is not practical. Instead, place the rooster in a soft, well-ventilated carrying basket that provides both warmth and comfort.

The basket should be spacious enough for the rooster to rest comfortably. It should also have adequate ventilation holes, allowing the bird to poke its head out for food and water during the journey. Inside the basket, line it with clean, dry straw or soft cloth to cushion the bird during transport. Once you arrive, immediately transfer the rooster to a pen to avoid prolonged confinement in the basket.

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Conclusion of Handle Fighting Roosters

The key to successfully raising gamefowl is to train them to be comfortable with human interaction. This not only makes it easier to care for and train the rooster but also adds to the enjoyment of raising them. A well-tamed and calm rooster is a joy to handle and increases your likelihood of achieving great results in competitions.

=> Read more:

How to Raise Rooster Fighting Cocks from 7 Months of Age Effectively

How to Care for Young Fighting Cocks from 6 Months to 1 Year Old

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